

View synonyms for Pearl Harbor

Pearl Harbor


  1. a harbor near Honolulu, on S Oahu, in Hawaii: surprise attack by Japan on the U.S. naval base and other military installations December 7, 1941.
  2. any significant or crippling defeat, betrayal, loss, etc., that comes unexpectedly.

Pearl Harbor


  1. an almost landlocked inlet of the Pacific on the S coast of the island of Oahu, Hawaii: site of a US naval base attacked by the Japanese in 1941, resulting in the US entry into World War II

Pearl Harbor

  1. A major United States naval base in Hawaii that was attacked without warning by the Japanese air force on December 7, 1941, with great loss of American lives and ships. In asking Congress to declare war on Japan the next day, President Franklin D. Roosevelt described the day of the attack as “ a date which will live in infamy .”

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Example Sentences

What was America supposed to do after Pearl Harbor, put the keys to the Golden Gate in an airmail envelope and send them to Tojo?

But after Pearl Harbor there was no longer a case for special pleading.

At halftime somebody had come into the dressing room and told us Pearl Harbor had been bombed by the Japs.

After the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941, she was among the tens of thousands Japanese-Americans dispatched to internment camps.

The last time America pivoted to Asia was on December 7, 1941, when Japan attacked the U.S. fleet at Pearl Harbor.

There's plenty of time to beat the carrier force to Pearl Harbor.

It may be, though, that only your carrier will stop at Pearl Harbor.

Why you've accomplished in a day what I haven't been able to do since the time of Pearl Harbor.

It may only be Pearl Harbor, but that's twenty-four hundred miles nearer the war than we are right now!

Anyway, when the force was one day out from Pearl Harbor one of the scouting pilots aboard one of the cruisers came down sick.



